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Formatos: ISBDGeneral, MARC
Marc Registro: 6373
020 001 $a 001  no
040 001 $a 001  Amparo David
040 002 $a 001  Luis Abellán
040 003 $a 001  Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
084 001 $a 001  NC
097 001 $a 001  A0000439
097 001 $c 001  NC
097 001 $d 001  1976
097 001 $e 001  MO
097 001 $f 001  BI006
097 001 $g 001  001
097 001 $h 001  000011050
097 001 $i 001  1
097 001 $j 001  1
097 001 $m 001  N
097 001 $n 001  04/06/2004
097 001 $o 001  001
097 001 $r 001  A0000439
097 001 $s 001  00000000
097 001 $t 001  000000000
097 001 $y 001  00010090
110 001 $a 001  27th international navigation congress. May 20-26, 1990 Osaka, Japan
245 001 $a 001  27th international navigation congress = 27e congrès international de navigation
245 001 $b 001  : Maritime ports and seaways (for commercial, fishery and pleasure navigation). Section II = Ports et accès maritimes (pour la navigation commerciale, de pêche et de plaisance). Section II
245 001 $n 001  . 13 v.
245 001 $c 001  / 27th international navigation congress. May 20-26, 1990 Osaka, Japan
260 001 $a 001  Bruselas (Bélgica)
260 001 $b 001  : General Secretariat of PIANC
260 001 $c 001  , 1990
300 001 $b 001  : il.:col., b/n., graf.
300 001 $c 001  ; 30 cm
340 001 $e 001  Papel
505 001 $a 001  1. Fundamental method to analyse the inland waterway transport efficiency with a special attention for the developing countriesBelgium - Belgique.Prof. dr. J.L.J. Marchal, Director of Researches F.N.R.S., L.H.C.N. Labor atories, University of Liége, Liége .2. The container industry an environmental impactBrazil - Brésil.Mr. Fernando Gazal, Port of Santos, Engineering Area-Planning and Maintenance Dept., Santos - S.P.3. Empty containers a problems in the portFinland - Finlande.Mr. Bkka Ertimo Project Manager, Plancenter Ltd, Helsinki.Mr. Lassi Rámó M.Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Manager, Roads and Waterways Administration, Helsinki4. Pathologie de la conteneurisation, formation du personnelFrance.M. P. Andrau, Ingénieur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, Por t Autonome de Paris, Paris.M. O. Bonnin, Bureau Central pour les Equipements Outre Mer (B.C.E.O.M.), Paris.M. F. Klefstad-Sillonville, Ingénieur de 1´Armement au Port Autonome de Marseille, Marseille.MM. P. Lelarge et J. Hebert, Port Autonome du Havre, Le Havre5. Maritime transport and port development in IndiaIndia - Inde.Mr. A. Ananthakrishnan, Chairman, Indian National Section (PIANO), Ministry of Transport, New Delhi.Mr. S. Ghosh Secretary, Indian National Section (PIANO), Consulting Engineering Services (I) (P) Ltd, New Delhi .6. Impact of containerization on port policy in developing countriesJapan - Japon.Messrs Tamotsu Okabe, President and Terumi Iijima, Executive Director, The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan, Tokyo.Mr. Takao Yanagihara, Director, Osaka Port Terminal Development Corporation, Osaka.7. Applications of risk analysis in port design, planning and operationsThe Netherlands Pays-Bas.Messrs H. Ligteringen and C.S. Chandrasekhar Frederic R. Harris B.V., The Hague.Prof. H. Velsink, Delft University of Technology, Delft .8. Karachi port cargo handling improvementsPakistan.Mr. Farooque A. Chaudhry Chief Engineer, Karachi Port Trust, Karachi.Mr. Eugene G. Vernigora, Senior Port Engineer, World Bank, Washington D.C. (USA)9. Some problems of developing countriesPoland - Pologne.Prof. D.S.Sc.Eng. B.K. Mazurkiewicz, Technical University of GdañskMr. A. Zylicz, M.Sc. Naval Architect Inland Navigation Research and Design Centre ` Navicentrum `, Wroclaw, Gdarísk10. Inherent problems of intermodal transport in developing countriesSpain - Espagne.Prof. Dr.Ing. M. Vigueras Gonzalez and Dr.Ing. F. Enriquez Agos Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Madrid.Dr.Ing. Eduardo Arana, Iberinsa, Madrid.Mr. V. Fernandez Dupuy Intecsa, Madrid11. Development in the port of Belawan in IndonesiaUnited Kingdom - Royaume-Uni.Messrs R.J. Pannett, CEng, MICE, and J.P. Wood, BSc, CEng, FICE, FIQA Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd, Swindon,Wilts.Ir. Sumardi, Direktur Utama, PERUM IV (Indonesia)12. Deciding to become a feeder port could be your best betU. S. A.Mr. John R. Lethbridge, Ports and Aviation Advisor, World Bank.Mrs Frida Johansen, Principal Economist, Policy Planning and Research Staff, Wo rld Bank13. Feasibility study of the improvements in navigability of the irrawaddy and chindwin riversWorld BankMr. Thaung Sein, Director General of the Waterways Department, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Government of Burma.Mr. Eugene G. Vernigora, Senior Ports Engineer / Project Officer, IBRD Washington, D.C. (USA).Mr. Henry J. Opdam, Senior Consultant, HASKONING Royal Dutch Consulting Engineers and Architects, Nijmegen (TheNetherlands).Mr. Hans Vogelaar Senior Economist, Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI) Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
540 001 $a 001  Normal
546 001 $a 001  Francés
546 002 $a 001  Inglés
650 001 $a 001  2.1100 Transporte marítimo
650 002 $a 001 Evaluación del Medio Ambiente
774 001 $c 001  Normal
774 001 $h 001  Volumen: XII, 103 p.
774 001 $o 001  NC| INT int
774 001 $t 001  Subject 5 = Sujet 5
774 001 $z 001  no
852 001 $a 001  Biblioteca
852 001 $t 001  1

Biblioteca Teléfono Signatura Cod. de barras Disponibilidad
APV   NC  A0000439  Disponible 
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