020 001 $a 001
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Fernando Ramos
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Luis Abellán
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Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
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Verónica Ferrer
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: Informa Group plc
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847 p.
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Editorial Reviews1. Ocean carries aim to ride out the stormAn overview of recent developments in liner shipping2. Lemming syndrome fuels rates slideAnalysis of the world containership fleet and orderbook3. World container port trafftc leagueLatest port and national containerthroughput rankings4. Box Lessors face new crisisDevelopments in the container leasing industry5. Record drop in box productionTrends in container manufacturing worldwide6. Ouay crane output hits new highA survey of the procurement of ship/shore gantry cranesREFERENCE SECTIONS7. Container industry websitesA sector by sector classified listing of internet website addresses for companies and other organisations involved in the container industry8. Ports and terminalsA port-by-port guide to containerfacilities shipping lines, handling equipment and traffic statistics for sea and riverterminals worldwide. are arranged by country within the following trading regions, with accompanying regional mapsEuropeNorth AmericaCentral AmericaCaribbeanSouth AmericaAustralasiaPacific IslandsFar East & Asia Mid-EastAfricaIndian OceanPorts industries associations9. ServicesTransport companies and associations arranged by mode oftransport All-water carriers Index to trade routes Operators on principal trade routes Liner operators, alliances and consortia Liner conferences Landbridges Freight forwarding Tank container operators Road haulage Rail10. Equipment guideContainer and intermodal swopbody designers manufacturers and consultants. Transport industry computer program suppliers. A proc product classified guide to container handling equipment, compone accessoriesContainers/swopbodiesContainer conversionsContainer technology transferComputer programsProduct buyers´ guideManufacturers´ addresses11. Container leasingContainer lessors, their overseas agents and offices, fleet size and cc available12. Container repairA country-by-country guide to container repair facilities13. Classification societiesInternational container and vessel certification authorities14. Container tracingBureauxspecialising in finding´Iost containers15. Second-hand containersCompanies trading in used containers, arranged by country16. Insurance companiesA guide to companies providing insurance coverfor specified contai transport risks17. Register of container-carrying vesselsDetails of over 7,000 containerships in service or on order including type, owner, operator and service routeVessels in commercial serviceVessels in non-commercial useAmendments to vessel namesNewbuildings18. Non-operating owners/managersCompanies controlling containerships but who are not directly invol operating container liner services19. ShipbrokersCompanies specialising in arranging the chartering of container and vessels20. Appendices Liner operator abbreviations Route and vessel abbreviations BIC code Unit load data Institutes and associations Shippers´ councils and freight allocation bureaux21. Ships index22. Companies index23. Advertisers index
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