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Containerisation International : Yearbook
Registro: 5802
020 001 $a 001 1-84311-297-3
040 001 $a 001 Fernando Ramos
040 002 $a 001 Luis Abellán
040 003 $a 001 Verónica Ferrer
097 001 $a 001 A0003825
097 001 $c 001*con
097 001 $d 001 1517
097 001 $e 001 MO
097 001 $f 001 BI006
097 001 $g 001 001
097 001 $h 001 000010718
097 001 $i 001 1
097 001 $j 001 1
097 001 $m 001 N
097 001 $n 001 31/08/2004
097 001 $o 001 001
097 001 $r 001 A0003825
097 001 $s 001 000028147
097 001 $t 001 000000190
097 001 $y 001 00009801
245 001 $a 001 2004
260 001 $b 001 : Informa Group plc
260 001 $c 001 , [2003]
300 001 $a 001 879 p.
300 001 $b 001 : il., tbl.: col.
300 001 $c 001 ; 31 cm
340 001 $e 001 Papel
505 001 $a 001 EDITORIAL REVIEWSLet the good times roll, but for how long? An overview of recent developments in liner shippingBox ship order book reaches all time high Analysis of the world containership fleet and orderbookWorld container port traffic league Latest port and national container throughput rankingsBox output hits new high Trends in container manufacturing worldwideBig year for box lessors Developments in the container leasing industryQuay crane demand holds up A survey of the procurement of ship/shore gantry cranesREFERENCE SECTIONSContainer industry websites A sector by sector classified listing of internet website addresses for companies and other organisations involved in the container industryPorts and terminals A port-by-port guide to container facilities, shipping lines handling equipment and traffic statistics for sea and river terminals worldwide. Ports are arranged by country within the following trading regions, with accompanying regional maps Europe North America Central America Caribbean South America Australasia Pacific Islands Far East & Asia Mid-East Africa Indian Ocean Ports industries associationsServices Transport companies and associations arranged by mode of transport All-water carriers Index to trade routes Operators on principal trade routes Liner operators alliances and consortia Liner operators associations Liner conferences Landbridges Freight forwarding Tank container operators Road haulage RailEquipment guide Container and intermodal swopbody designers, manufacturers and consultants. Transport industry computer program suppliers. A product-by-product classified guide to container handling equipment components and accessories Containers/swopbodies Container conversions Container technology transfer Computer programs Product buyers´ guide Manufacturers´ addressesContainer leasing Container lessors, their overseas agents and offices, fleet size and contracts availableContainer repair A country-by-country guide to container repair facilitiesSecond-hand containers Companies trading in used containers, arranged by countryContainer tracing Bureaux specialising in findìng ´lost´ containersClassification societies International container and vessel certification authoritiesInsurance companies A guide to companies providing insurance cover for specified container transport risksRegister of container-carrying vessels Details of over 7,000 containerships in service or on order, including size type, owner, operator and service route Vessels in commercial service Vessels in non-commercial use Amendments to vessel names NewbuildingsNon-operating owners/managers Companies controlling containerships but who are not directly involved in operating container liner servicesShipbrokers Companies specialising in arranging the chartering of container and ro-ro vesselsAppendices Liner operator abbreviations Route and vessel abbreviations BIC code Unit load data Institutes and associations Shippers´ councils and freight allocation bureauxShips i ndexCompanies indexAdvertisers index
852 001 $a 001
852 001 $t 001 1
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