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  Containerisation International : Yearbook

Marc Registro: 668
020 001 $a 001  0-9526730-37
040 001 $a 001  Inma Cerdá Dimas
040 002 $a 001  Luis Abellán
040 003 $a 001  Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
040 004 $a 001  Verónica Ferrer
097 001 $a 001  A0002243
097 001 $c 001*con
097 001 $d 001  1192
097 001 $e 001  MO
097 001 $f 001  BI006
097 001 $g 001  001
097 001 $h 001  000007385
097 001 $i 001  1
097 001 $j 001  1
097 001 $m 001  N
097 001 $n 001  28/10/2004
097 001 $o 001  001
097 001 $r 001  A0002243
097 001 $s 001  000028147
097 001 $t 001  000000120
097 001 $y 001  00007289
245 001 $a 001  1997
260 001 $b 001  : Informa Group plc
260 001 $c 001  , [1996]
300 001 $a 001  765 p.
300 001 $b 001  : il., tbl., map.: col.
300 001 $c 001  ; 31 cm
340 001 $e 001  Papel
505 001 $a 001  Merging interests Container carriers are entering a period of consolidation yet again, driven as much by financial considerations as by operational reasons. After Nedlloyd Lines and P&O Containers agreed to combine who will be next?Tonnage jump fuels uncertainty A detailed analysis of the world´s containership fleet in service and newbuildings on order, by vessel type, size and beneficial owner.World container port traffic league A statistical analysis of container traffic over ports worldwide, comparing their performance in 1995 with 1994 and ranking ports and countries by total TEU throughput.US intermodal´s uncertain future Poor service levels, insufficient track capacity and limited equipment supply, combined with the disruption caused by railroad mergers, are presently limiting the growth of intermodal services.European intermodal slowdown The general slowdown of intermodal traffic volumes continues. Despite the introduction of many new services, intermodal operators are struggling to entice traffic away from roads and hampered by the lack of a cohesive policy governing European railways.Lessors tough it out With low box-building prices encouraging carriers to purchase outright, and carrier alliances pool their container inventory, lessors continue to suffer low lease rates and weak utilisation levels.Box building low Despite almost record container output worldwide in 1996 overcapacity and speculative building, especially in China, have encouraged price-cutting to damage competition and win market share.Ports & terminals A guide to port facilities, terminals, and container traffic statistics Europe North America Central America Caribbean South America AustralasiaServices (I)All-water carriers - Trade routes - Operators on principal trade routes - Named services and their operators - Carriers A-Z (II)Landbridges (III)Freight forwarding (IV)Tank container operators (V)Road haulage (VI)RailEquipment guide Containers/Swopbodies Container technology transfer Container conversions Product buyers´ guide Manufacturers´ addresses Computer programsLeasing/repair Container leasing Container lessors, fleet totals and lease contracts offered, overseas agents and officesContainer repair A guide to container repair facilities worldwide by countryContainer tracin Finders of `lost´ containersClassification societiesSurvey organisationsSecond-hand containers Buyers and sellers of used containers throughout the world, detailed by countryInsurance companies A representative guide to companies offering cover for container transport risksVessel registerRegister of container-carrying vesselsA detailed listing of over 6,000 containerships, including vessel type, TEU capacity operator and service route 1. Vessels in service 2. Vessels with non-commercial status 3. Amendments to vessel names 4. NewbuildingsNon-operating owners/managersShipbrokersAppendices 1. Line abbreviations 2. Unit load data 3. Institutes and associations 4. Shippers´ councils and freight alloca tion bureauxShips indexCompanies indexAdvertisers index
852 001 $a 001  Biblioteca-sala
852 001 $t 001  1

Biblioteca Teléfono Signatura Cod. de barras Disponibilidad
APV*con  A0002243  Disponible 
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