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Inma Cerdá Dimas
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Juan Ignacio Brox
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Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
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Verónica Ferrer
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: The National Magazine Co Ltd
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, [1987]
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748 p.
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: il., tbl., graf.: col.
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A period of transition Some trends which emerged in 1988 will shape the industry in 1989 and also into the 1990sWorld container port traffic league Analysis of container traffzc through ports handling over 1,OOOTEU in 1987Scrappage set to grow in the 1990s Appraisal of the world´s containership fieet and order book shows slower growthBreakthrough year for containers in US domestic market A US railroad´s decision to switch from piggyback to COFC and RoadRailer heralds fundamentalchange1988: the year of the reefer Production of integral reefer containers climbed to record levels in 1988Leasing calm after the storm After a period of frantic merger activity, lessors are tidying up after the shake-outSouth East Asia keeps the bandwagon rolling Remarkable growth in container trafc in South East Asia is set to continue into the early 1990sIntegrated terminal handling systems in prospect Dual-trolley and semi-automatic ship/shore control systems must be matched by efficient back-upPorts and terminals A guide to port facilities, terminals and container traffic statistics Europe North America Central America and Caribbean South America Australasia and South Pacific Far East and Asia Mid-East AfricaServices (I) All-water carriers (II) Landbridges (III) Combined transport operators (IV) Tank container operators (V) Container road hauliers (VI) Rail (VII) AirEquipment guide Containers Double-stack railcars Semi-trailers Special-purpose containers Container handling Container stowing Components and ancillary equipment Swop body systems Shipboard equipment Air/surface container handling Trade names Manufacturers´ addresses Computer programsLeasing companies Container lessors, fleet details and lease contracts offered, overseas agents and officesRepair companies A guide to container repair facilities worldwide by countryContainer surveyors Damage survey organisations and their overseas offices and exclusive agentsSecond-hand containers Buyers and sellers of used containers throughout the world detailed by countryContainer tracing Finders of `lost´ containersInsurance companies A representative guide to companies offering cover for container transport risksContainerisation International´s register of container carrying vessels A detailed listing of over 4,000 containerships, including vessel type, TEU capacity operator and service route. Vessels no longer in container service. Name changes. NewbuildingsNon-operating owners/managersShipbrokersAppendices 1 Abbreviations 2 BIC code 3 Container certification 4 Unit load data 5 Institutes and associations 6 Shippers´ councils and freight allocation bureaux 7 BibliographyShips indexGeneral indexAdvertisers´ index
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