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  Containerisation International : Yearbook

Marc Registro: 5426
020 001 $a 001  0-900305-20-7
040 001 $a 001  Carmen de Barutell Castillo
040 002 $a 001  Inma Cerdá Dimas
040 003 $a 001  Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
040 004 $a 001  Verónica Ferrer
097 001 $a 001  A0000692
097 001 $c 001*con
097 001 $d 001  1188
097 001 $e 001  MO
097 001 $f 001  BI006
097 001 $g 001  001
097 001 $h 001  000010478
097 001 $i 001  1
097 001 $j 001  1
097 001 $m 001  N
097 001 $n 001  26/10/2004
097 001 $o 001  001
097 001 $r 001  A0000692
097 001 $s 001  000028147
097 001 $t 001  000000070
097 001 $y 001  00009626
245 001 $a 001  1992
260 001 $b 001  : The National Magazine Co Ltd
260 001 $c 001  , [1991]
300 001 $a 001  782 p.
300 001 $b 001  : il., tbl., map.: col.
340 001 $e 001  Papel
505 001 $a 001  Editorial ReviewCautious grounds for optimismIncreased trade, the prospect of a better balance between supply and demand for shipboard capacity, and greater efficiency within the shipping industry suggest that shipboard capacity, and greater efficiency within the shipping industry suggest that liner shipping´s fortunes may at last be on the upWorld container port traffic leagueA statistical analysis of container-handling activity over the top 340 container ports worldwide, comparing their performances of 1990 with 1989. The world´s ports and countries are ranked on total TEU throughputMore ships in service, but fewer ordersA detailed analysis of the word´s containership fleet in service and nexbuildings on order by vessel size, type and ownershipAnother year of lessor consolidationDespite further rationalisation of the leasing sector in the wake of the Genstar/Itel merger, the industry experienced a better than average year in terms of purchasingThe changing face of box buildingContainer manufacture rose steeply in 1991, a year when many new factories started production, and more facilities are due to be commissioned in 1992Crane population to break 1,500 markA résumé of Cargoware International magazine´s latest ship/shore container gantry crane survey, showing the changing shape of supply and demand over the past two decades
852 001 $a 001  Biblioteca-sala
852 001 $t 001  1

Biblioteca Teléfono Signatura Cod. de barras Disponibilidad
APV*con  A0000692  Disponible 
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