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Registro: 6230
020 001 $a 001 no
040 001 $a 001 Amparo David
040 002 $a 001 Luis Abellán
040 003 $a 001 Pilar Ballesteros Fernández
084 001 $a 001 NC
097 001 $a 001 A0000327
097 001 $c 001 NC
097 001 $d 001 1901
097 001 $e 001 MO
097 001 $f 001 BI006
097 001 $g 001 001
097 001 $h 001 000010978
097 001 $i 001 1
097 001 $j 001 1
097 001 $m 001 N
097 001 $n 001 28/05/2004
097 001 $o 001 001
097 001 $r 001 A0000327
097 001 $s 001 00000000
097 001 $t 001 000000000
097 001 $y 001 00010019
110 001 $a 001 P.I.A.N.C.
245 001 $a 001 24th International Navigation Congress = 24th Congrès International de Navigation
245 001 $b 001 : Leningrad 1977
245 001 $n 001 . 8 v.
245 001 $c 001 / P.I.A.N.C.
260 001 $a 001 Bruselas (Bélgica)
260 001 $b 001 : General Secretariat of P.I.A.N.C
260 001 $c 001 , 1977
300 001 $b 001 : il.:b/n., tbl., graf.
300 001 $c 001 ; 26 cm
340 001 $e 001 Papel
505 001 $a 001 1.RapportFranceM. Alain Gauthier, Ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, Directeur de-1´exploitation du Port autonome de Paris, Paris2.RapportGermany (F.R.) - Allemagne (R.F.)Dipl.-Ing. A. W. Adler, Leitender Baudirektor, chef de 1´administration des ports du Land de Baviére á Ratisbonne.Dipl-Ing. H. Schapp, Bauoberrat, Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Duisburg-Meiderich.Dipl.-Ing. W. Strahler Leitender Baudirektor, Wasser- und Schiffahrtsdirektion West, Münster (Westfalen). Dipl-Ing. G. Zahn, Directeur technique du ` Staatliches Hafenamt ` á Mannheim3.The effects of technological changes on portsNetherlands Pays-BasEng. M. van den Doel, Rotterdam Port Authority. Dr. H.J. Noortman, Netherlands Institute of Transport.Prof. G.C. Meeuse, Delft University of Technology4.PaperU.S.A.Col. Herbert R. Haar, Jr. U.S.A.. (Ret), Associate Port Director, Port of New Orleans, New Orleans5.PaperU.S.S.R. - U.R.S.S.Cand. Se. Tech. N. Garanin, Assistant Professor, Vice-president of the Scientific-Technical Council, Moscow, Ministry of River Fleet, Moscow.Cand. Se. Tech. P. Artemjev, Assistant Professor, Head of a Department of the Water Transport Institute, Leningrad, Ministry of River Fleet Leningrad.Dr. Se. Tech. V. Gurevitch, Deputy-director of the River Fleet Project Institute, Leningrad,_ Ministry of River Fleet, Leningrad.Cand. Se. Tech. A. Sherle Assistant Professor, Head of a department of the Institute of Water Transport Engineers, Gorky, Ministry of River Fleet, Gorky.Cand. Se. Tech. M. Sorokin, Assistant Professor, Institute of Water Transport Engineers Novosibirsk, Ministry of River Fleet, Novosibirsk.Cand. Se. Tech. V. Strachov, Head of a department of the Central Research Institute of Water Transport Economics, Ministry of River Fleet, Moscow
540 001 $a 001 Normal
546 001 $a 001 Francés
546 002 $a 001 Inglés
650 001 $a 001 2.1100 Transporte marítimo
650 002 $a 001 2.1500 Transporte fluvial
774 001 $c 001 Normal
774 001 $h 001 Volumen: II, 76 p.
774 001 $o 001 NC| PIA int
774 001 $t 001 : section I : inland navigation : subject 2 = inland navigation
852 001 $a 001 Biblioteca
852 001 $t 001 1
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